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Securing Media for Your Shindig: 4 Tips for Success

Have you been tasked with generating media coverage for your organization’s next big event? Are you unsure where to begin? Maybe you’re intimidated by the thought of pitching editors and reporters? Well, fret not! The Element PR team has you covered with four tips to help ensure media success at your next shindig.

Tip #1: Start Outreach Early

Editors and reporters are busy people, too! Invite members of the media well in advance of your event (this means WEEKS not days) to help make sure they aren’t already booked. If they are booked, offer alternative options like a pre-event interview or a chance to sit down with a member of your executive team.

Tip #2: Pick Up the Phone

You sent your initial invite, so now it’s time to pick up the phone! A personal phone call not only helps you stand out from the crowded email inbox, it also gives you the opportunity to answer immediate questions the reporter may have.

Tip #3: Social Shares, Social Shares, Social Shares

Reporters are working to build their audience just like you. After they complete their story or interview covering your event, ask if they plan to share a link on social media and let them know you plan to retweet or share it on your channels, too.

Tip #4: The Friendly Follow Up

Make your mom proud and mind your manners with a quick thank you to journalists who attended. A handwritten note, phone call, or even an email showing your appreciation helps the reporter remember you and further develop your relationship.


With these tips, you will not only enjoy your event but simultaneously generate media mentions and impressions. And never forget, reporters are people just like you and me. They always looking for great stories, and you just want to make their job a little easier.

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