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Celebrating 3 PR Minds Behind the American Revolution

Each Independence Day, we take time to honor our nation’s history. Public relations has been key in many historical happenings, you just have to dig to find the strategy behind what we read in history books. In honor of Independence Day, we did a little digging to uncover a few of our favorite PR minds behind the American Revolution.

1. The strategic event planner: Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams, considered one of our Founding Fathers, was a crucial part of the independence movement and was the brainchild of some of the most famous events surrounding the revolution. Have you ever heard of the Boston Tea Party or the Boston Massacre? He’s been credited for publicizing those. Sam made such an impact that there’s even a beer named after him. Can’t get more American than that, right?

2. The public opinion guru: Martha Washington

Martha Washington was not only the original first lady of the U.S.; she’s credited as a major morale booster of American troops during the revolution. She fostered valuable relationships with soldiers, political leaders, and military leaders alike. Martha’s efforts likely had a positive impact on optimism and perception of political leaders, including her husband, George.

3. The distribution trailblazer: Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was known as a jack-of-all-trades and while his brother, James, actually printed the first newspaper, Ben was the driving force behind increasing circulation of the press. Not to mention being appointed as the Philly postmaster is kind of a big deal. Today, journalists and PR folks enjoy a free press thanks to the persistence of forefathers like Ben.

The American Revolution needed public relations in order to succeed. Without a united front and public opinion, the U.S. may not be what it is today. Join us with an ice-cold Sam Adams and cheers to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

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