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Social Stockpile: 3 Tools Every Marketer Needs

As the saying goes, “You’re only as good as the tools you use.” So, the Element PR team is offering a sneak peek into our arsenal of favorite personal and professional tools and sites to help you create killer content on the fly.

For Graphics & Design: Canva

What it is: Canva is a graphic design website that offers drag-and-drop formats and thousands of templates with free-to-use elements and images.

Why we LOVE it: Canva offers everything you need in one convenient site and serves as a great alternative to the Adobe Suite if you’re hesitant to make the investment or are a graphic design novice.

When to use it: Need awesome graphics or high-quality presentations but tight on time or budget? Canva has you covered. 

For Video: Animoto

What it is: Animoto is a video creation tool that allows you to incorporate your own images, videos, and music into video-style slideshows.

Why we LOVE it: The platform is super simple to use and creates stunning videos that showcase your images and videos in a fresh and unique way. The monthly subscription (only $8 for the personal plan!) is more than worth the investment.

When to use it: Instead of sharing a photo album with your internal or external audiences, put visuals into a sleek video with your logo and a music bed for an added wow element.

For Photographs: Meitu

What it is: Known as an app for creating killer selfies, Meitu offers a suite of editing tools and filters right on your phone.

Why we LOVE it: This is great for so much more than your profile pic! The app has endless tools and filters to edit and correct images, and it offers easy-to-use cropping features for social media posts.

When to use it: When you’re onsite at an event, Meitu is the perfect tool to edit photos for social media in a cinch. No one will know that your polished and professional photos took only seconds to edit!



Have a favorite online tool or app of your own?

Let us know! Tweet us or comment on our LinkedIn post using #PRbrief. We’d love to try it out.

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