What if we told you we were offering BOGO logo design for Cyber Monday?
What if we gave new clients 73% off website development, or maybe a free video that we guarantee will go viral?
How about a half-priced SEO audit with the purchase of any mobile app?
Well, sorry to disappoint, but we aren’t offering any of that. Here’s why…
We don’t play that game, because we care more about helping you develop effective strategies that grow your business than we care about landing a new account.
This time of year, just about everyone is looking for a deal.
Right after we finish cramming as much turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce down our throats as we possibly can, many of us head to the stores in a pumpkin pie-induced frenzy to snatch up those Black Friday deals and steals. After all, we’d be CRAZY to pass them up!
Honestly, it’s a genius marketing move, and we tip our hats to whoever came up with the ideas for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
What This Has to Do with Us
The idea that an advertising agency would actually offer unbelievable holiday deals is just plain ridiculous. (Although we wouldn’t put it past some places)
Cheaper isn’t always better. In fact, it rarely is. And that’s certainly true when it comes to choosing the right agency.
Because let’s face it…
Maybe your 17 year-old nephew knows a little about building websites and can give you a deal. But unless he’s the next Mark Zuckerberg, you probably shouldn’t put your business in his hands.
Anyone can shoot and edit video with their smartphone for free. But are those the results you want the world to see?
You could hire your teenage babysitter to run your social media campaigns. I mean she’s tweeting all the damn time anyway. She must be an expert, right?
No – you wouldn’t do anything of the sort. You’re smarter than that.
So why would you hire someone online who you’ve never met, who knows next to nothing about your business, and then pay them five bucks to design your logo?
Even if that stranger happens to be talented, do you really think they’re going to put in the effort required for quality results at such a minimal fee?

Here’s the Real Deal
Thankfully, we don’t need to lure anyone in with outlandish promotions and deceptive deals.
We let our work and experience speak for itself.
We believe the things we design for our clients are a worthwhile investment.
When we show off a finished product to you, we want you to feel like a kid at Christmas. You’re opening up a package to find something even better than what you wrote about in your letter to Santa Claus.
We don’t want to be the gift that breaks two days later, the dorky sweater from your lame aunt, or the toy that gets forgotten about after five minutes.
Here in this workshop, we’re turning dreams into reality and helping businesses like yours show the world what it has to offer.
You definitely do have a choice when it comes to choosing who leads your advertising and marketing efforts. At Element, we don’t want to be like a shady retailer handing out false hopes. We want to be a trustworthy partner with the creative chops and groundbreaking ideas that truly make a difference.
Want to get started? We’d love to hear what you’re thinking. Contact us today and let’s talk about what we can do for your advertising and marketing.
Finally, we leave you with a clip from one of the most-beloved holiday specials of all-time. If you think commercialization of Christmas is something new…think again.
Charlie Brown has been lamenting about it for 50 years! But we have to admit, Snoopy really knows how to put on a show.