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Katie B: Newly Promoted and Put to the Test

Here at Element, we have the best employees a pet-friendly policy can buy. When a member of our team demonstrates exceptional skill and effort, there may be a promotion around the corner.

That was the case for Account Executive, Katie Bramschreiber, who was recently promoted to account services manager. Katie will oversee Element’s (growing!) team of account executives.

To test the abilities of our self-proclaimed Element triathlete in her new role, we invented the Element Account Service Manager Triathlon. This grueling three-stage event will test Katie’s mettle as she battles the Job Jacket Jog, the Email Lightning Round, and the Element Culture Quiz.

Stage 1: Job Jacket Jog

Task: To complete this task, Katie needs to draft and print a project brief, retrieve the printout from the copy room, and jog to our traffic manager’s office to enter the job into the system. Finally, she needs to complete the task by delivering the job and briefing our designer, Jenna.

katie at printer

katie with jenna

Result: Katie completed this task in an impressive 1 minute and 3.7 seconds, beating her personal best by 1.3 seconds. Well done, Katie!

Stage 2: Email Lightning Round

Task: The second leg of the triathlon involves extreme emailing – something that our account services team needs to do on the reg. Katie’s inbox will be flooded with emails and we’ll watch to see how many she can answer error-free, in just three minutes.

email from katie

Result: Katie’s speedy typing skills and quick thinking allowed her to answer seven emails in the allotted time. She was putting the final touches on an eighth email when time ran out, meaning that the agency record still belongs to Nikki, our Director of Account Services. You’ll get her next time, Katie!

Stage 3: Element Culture Quiz

Task: In the final stage of the triathlon, Katie will need to propel through the Element Culture Quiz. We’ll throw ten incomplete Element-esque sayings at our account services manager and ask her to fill in the blanks.

katie and shelby at table

Result: Katie was able to complete all ten Element expressions, without a single hiccup, proving that she knows Element’s culture inside and out.

Katie, you passed every stage! It looks like you are well-equipped and ready to take on your next adventure as account services manager. Thank you for all your hard work and kudos to you on your promotion!

katie at desk

If you’re interested in a position at a growing agency with true upward mobility, check out our open positions! We won’t make you run a makebelieve triathlon, we promise.


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